Monday, September 29, 2014

On Waiting and Open Doors

It has surely been a while! And since my last post, quite a bit has happened. Life looks a little different now. And we've been celebrating a lot and spending time with some lovely friends. Here's one picture of celebration...but I'll leave the rest for another post, because I have a lot to say here.

It's funny how God works. One day you are sitting around wondering when God will ever open the door to the opportunity you've been praying so long for, and the next minute you are (gracefully) shoved through the finally-open door, and you're sitting on the other side wondering how it all could have possibly happened so fast.

It happens with all big things in life, I think. When you're in the dark about things, you start to question if it will ever happen. "God, I'm so passionate about (insert passion here)," you pray, "I am sure you want this for me...will you please show me (where to go, who to love, what to do, etc)...and quick!" And though you're sure God has this whatever passion it is in mind for you, you start to doubt it. Will I ever get married? I'll never find a job. Am I even supposed to be a teacher?

And then it happens- faster than you could have imagined and, no matter how long you waited for it, you think yourself silly for ever doubting God at all. 

But during the I even want to be a teacher? Thoughts like that crossed my mind. Recently, I had a friend congratulate me and encourage me, noting that I waited on the Lord and he answered my prayers. But I don't feel like I waited on the Lord. I feel like I kicked and screamed and cried, and in between all of that, I had moments of waiting and praying, but it was mostly doubt and frustration while hoping (and trying to trust) in the back of my mind that God had the right timing. I am so thankful that God ignores my crazy and sees me much better than I am...and answers my prayers even when I have doubt in between them. 

For me, it happened lighting fast in an out of my hands type of way. I applied to endless teaching jobs since this past April when I found we were moving to Virginia. I've written about my frustrations here and here. I interviewed via skype three times (three different schools) over the summer and heard nothing. As we actually made the move to VA, I continued to apply and seek out principals, e-mailing them and nearly begging for an opportunity to interview (I'm not sure that this is the suggested way to do things). Nothing happened. I spent over a month with no job at all. 

Two weeks ago at this time, I was just happy to finally be on sub finally be back in schools.
I subbed for the first time (in VA) less than two weeks ago, and I was just so happy to be working. The next day, I got an e-mail from a school that I interviewed with over the summer, the one I liked best, even. They wanted to talk to me, and coincidentally, I'd be subbing for them on Monday, so they said they'd talk to me then. I met with them, and they let me know that, by the end of the day, I would know which long term sub position they offering me. 

The high school hired me for the position that I originally interviewed for (like 5 months ago). I would be a 9th and 11th grade honors English teacher and a creative writing teacher, and I'd be there for the rest of the school year. 

And just like that, I'm now (finally) a teacher. I have been observing the classes I will teach, and by next Monday, I'll be teaching them. I'll have students. I'll spend free time just thinking of ways to make the content exciting for even the most uninterested student. I'll probably fail at that many times, but I hope I won't fail at letting them know that I care about them deeply, and I want the best for them, because they are so worth it. 

So now I am Mrs. Endres, the English teacher, and I'm so thankful and humbled by these answered prayers that I could just cry (and sometimes I do). I waited for what felt like an eternity, and the door so quickly flew open in a matter of moments. Now, I'm sitting on the other side, drowned in thankfulness, and truly overwhelmed by God's love for me and the way that he carefully paved this path, teaching me patience through the waiting. Patience I'll need for what I'm about to take on. 

I'm coming to you now from the other side of the door, from the other side of waiting, knowing I'll one day be waiting again and needing these words too; there are so many blessings in the waiting; there is so much growth. Trust in God, take heart, don't stop praying, don't stop hoping, and don't give up. 

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Grateful Heart, Weeks End
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