Sunday, January 11, 2015

On Writing Again

I have written about fifteen posts since my last post (really, that isn't a lot being that my last post was in September and it is now January), but I haven't published any of them. I've wanted to start writing again, but I just couldn't write without talking about my kids (all 84 of them), or how tired I am, or how so many demands are always weighing on me at once.

And it always sounded so negative. I always sounded so negative, really, if you talked to me in person you would probably walk away depressed 80% of the time. I still do sometimes (too many "some" times). But I finally feel like I am in a better place. Like I've taken a breath and just become okay with this being my life- this busy, crazy, stressful, lovely mess. Because it is such a blessing.
And maybe it is because it is January and I feel refreshed and goal-oriented, but I really do feel like it is time that I started writing again. I need to continue to process this journey that I have chosen, and at the same time been thrown into.

So here's to writing again- here's to hoping I can embrace the journey, not drown in the demands of it. Here's to positive posts (but don't hate me if mrs. negativity makes her way in- I'll try to keep her at bay) about teaching, grad school, my Baby (we have a cat), healthy living, recipes (maybe), books, newlywed life, and who knows what else! The possibilities are endless here in 2015!

That is all for today- because I really have to get back to this crazy grad work. For now, I will leave you with some cute things to end your Sunday with! I will hope to be talking to you again very soon!


When I said cute things, I meant my kitten and my husband, not me, that is all!
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