Thursday, September 18, 2014

8 ways to establish healthy habits (again) | Keeping my health and fitness goals

Well hello there, strangers!

I haven't posted in a whole week, and that isn't that bad, really, but I was really hoping to post every day this month. That, clearly, was an unrealistic goal because I've been focusing on a lot of other things this month, too. Like trying to enjoy life in a new place, keeping in touch with family, exploring, and making healthy habits again. Today, I am going to talk about how I've been reestablishing health and fitness back into my life. 

I mentioned before that I am making it a goal to "lose my newlywed weight." Is it normal to gain weight post wedding? I think it might be, because you just slump into this level of comfort and happiness and dinner dates with ice cream on top. Before the wedding, I was more in an oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast mode, where I lifted weights 5-6 times a week and added some cardio in there, determined to be in my best shape for my wedding (and honeymoon). 

Although I didn't have abs of steel at the alter, my method worked enough for me. I was in the best shape that I had ever been in...but that quickly changed to gaining more weight than I had for years about a month after the wedding. I really don't know how I gained 10 pounds so fast. I do have thyroid issues, and I'd like to blame it entirely on that (because I really do think there is something going on there), but my weight hasn't fluctuated more than a few pounds in over five years, and let's be honest, the unhealthy meals and the break in working out were big contributing factors. 

10 pounds might not seem like a lot. But for me, standing all of 5'1" tall, 10 extra pounds is a lot. Plus, weight issues run in my family, so I have an unhealthy fear associated with weight gain. Gaining 10 pounds has had a really horrible effect on my self image and happiness, which I know is not right, but it's just the honest truth. 

I'm trying to convince myself that gaining 10 pounds is far from the end of the world, and it isn't irreversible. So I decided to stop being depressed about it, and to get determined again (like I was before my wedding). Here is what I've been doing to regain my healthy habits. These are tips that have helped me with my goals in the past, as well. They may not be research based tips, but they are real life based. 

1. Joining some sort of challenge. If I know other people are trying to stay healthy alongside of me, then I am more likely to stick to my goals. I have joined challenge groups which have been okay, but I personally prefer seasonal challenges put on by different fitness blogs, such as Tone It Up. I like some of Tone It Up's workouts, but I more-so like the fact that there are thousands (or more) in on the challenge. They have a fall challenge going on now that I am following some aspects of, including the #100byHalloween challenge. It started last week, and the goal is to run/walk/spin/swim 100 miles by Halloween! So far I'm at 26 1/2 after one and a half weeks! TIU Fall Challenge
I'm at 26.5 miles, now!

2. Following a routine at the gym. As much as I grew tired of it while training before my wedding, I personally think strength training is the way to go. I'm not trying to lift as heavy as possible, I'm just always trying to challenge myself. However, if I go to the gym with a goal of "lifting," that gives me literally no guidance on my own and I grow discouraged and have no idea what to do once I get there. I LOVE following routines/ programs that take me through multiple weeks and plan out my workouts entirely for me. This way, when I get to the gym, I'm ready to go and there is no guess work involved. Plus, I almost always am challenged. Also, the programs usually call for 5-6 days a week at the gym..if I fall behind it is really hard to catch up at that rate!

Unfortunately, a lot of these cost money. I promise you don't have to spend a fortune to get a good workout, though. I have done Jamie Eason's Live Fit program which is entirely free (it was okay), and a program call Fit-Body by Savannah Rose which was very inexpensive (and effective- this was my pre-wedding workout). 

I don't like to repeat things, so I needed to find another program to get myself on track. right now I am working on Lauren Gleisberg's Total Body Transformation program (which was extremely inexpensive), and I'm loving it! I've started the first couple weeks a few times, but my official start was this week (and I'm determined to stick to it.)

3. Adding enjoyable cardio. Ugh. Do enjoyable and cardio really go together? I have never been a fan of cardio, but I know it is crucial to my goals right now. The program I'm following doesn't call for much of it, but I knew I wanted to add it to my routine more often. So, I'm finding what works for me. I don't like running, but I can deal with HIIT. Walking on inclines on the treadmill is extremely effective, and I enjoy it. I love spinning (even though it kills me). More importantly, I'm walking to and from the gym (adding two miles to each day), and on off days, I'm finding ways to take brisk walks around town exploring with Nick, or hikes through the many hiking trails around us. It all counts, and it is extremely important to move, even if it is not in the form of intense cardio. The 100 by Halloween challenge is forcing more cardio on me, and I couldn't be happier with the ways I've found to make being active enjoyable!
My favorite cardio is hiking with my husband!

4. Eating smaller portions. Yes, I'm super hungry most mornings. No, I don't need 3 bowls of cereal. Every time I've been successful in my fitness/ health goals, I've done it by eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. One piece of fresh, whole grain bread with peanut butter and a banana is enough to fill me up for a few hours in the morning. Later, I'll have some greek yogurt, and then a small lunch in a few hours. It just works, and it keeps me fueled and happy. I love eating, and I'm happy when being healthy means eating more often. I usually go for about 5 small meals throughout the day.

5. Discovering healthy treats. I've been making "greek yogurt ice cream," though it doesn't taste like ice cream so I don't know why I call it this. It is, however, delicious. I just buy big tubs of plain greek yogurt, spoon about a half a cup of the yogurt into a mug, add some all natural jam and stevia or cinnamon and stevia, plus a tbsp of skinny truwhip (a more natural version of fat free/ sugar free cool whip) and mix it all together. The outcome tastes like a dessert, but it is mostly just protein and low in calories. I've been eating this at night before bed when my sweet tooth is going crazy, or as a snack between breakfast and lunch. Creating healthy concoctions such as this is the only way I can get through days on end of healthy choices. 
It doesn't look amazing, but I promise it's great!

6. Not counting calories. I counted calories on the first few days of this back to healthy habits journey, but to be honest, I don't think counting calories is a healthy habit for me. I do pretty well at eating the right amount of calories for my body when I'm being conscious about my eating habits and listening to my body throughout the day. Counting calories just makes me obsessive, and every once in a while I'll do it for a day just to make sure I'm not way over the count, and I'm typically right where I need to be. If you are making healthy choices, exercising, and eating recommended portion sizes of healthy foods, you're probably going to be okay without all of the obsessive counting. 

7. Indulging on the weekends, but not too much. This has been a problem for me in the past. I go healthy during the week, and go crazy with fry-eating and frozen yogurt indulging on the weekends. What I am trying to do instead is let myself have one full meal, including dessert, of full indulgence. I don't have to have this all in one day of the weekend, either. Last weekend, I had my treat meal one day and my dessert the next. My other meals don't have to be perfect on the weekends, but I try to make healthy choices and eat at least half of my weekend meals in my own home. Also, I allow myself a craft beer or two, because honestly,  that is what I miss most during the week days!
My dessert last weekend- a pumpkin cupcake with caramel buttercream icing- I think this should be my dessert every weekend!

8. Doing what works for me. Honestly, I believe my tips are good, and I believe they work, but they have come through a lot of trial and error over the past two years. They might not be perfect for you. When it comes to creating healthy habits and setting fitness goals that are sustainable, there is not one perfect way. In fact, there are a million ways and more research than anyone can digest. Just try different things, have your health's interest in mind, and find what works for you. I'm sure two years from now, I'll have a lot more tips and steps that I take to stay healthy. It's all about doing what works best for you when it comes to health and fitness, and there are a million ways to pursue your health goals!

I do believe that balance is the most important aspect to a healthy lifestyle and sustainable healthy habits. The tips I've shared are really all about balance. If I never let myself indulge, I'll go crazy and I'll never keep my habits. My days of eating and staying active are never perfect, but I always try to keep them as balanced as possible, with a little bit of indulgence in between, and that method seems to really be working for me! Being healthy really does feel good, but only if it is a balanced, non-obsessive type of healthy (because unbalanced and obsessive is not healthy, duh). 

What do you do to help establish and keep healthy habits?

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Treat Yo Self, Think out Loud

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