Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday is for Motivation

It has been quite the refreshing weekend with my wonderful husband! Although it was quite chilly, we still thoroughly enjoyed our lazy time at Virginia Beach! 

It is such a true blessing to be able to take small getaways like this...retreat into some true quality time together, and just some true relaxation time from the busy life of teaching for both of us. I got to spend time focusing on loving my husband better, and he deserves it. I certainly took some time to really be thankful- thankful for the love that God has given us and thankful where God is leading us. Slow days like these help me remember that we are far more blessed than we could ever begin to thank God enough for, and a life of thankfulness is the fullest life.

On another note, we indulged a bit this weekend (but not too much), and I am totally ready to jump start myself back to the healthy lifestyle that I love.

Two years ago I started my fitness journey- my senior year of college, especially around this exact time. Last year, I got so serious before my wedding and I truly felt happy with the place that I was at. Not only did I feel confident, but I felt healthy and balanced. 

And that is where I want to get back to, where I need to be, because I believe God wants us to honor him by taking care of ourselves. Recently I took on a part time job as a health and fitness coach through Beachbody, and I am so happy I did! Anyone who knows me well knows that I really can't stop talking about the health and fitness world when the subject comes up. I am just passionate about it, and I am so happy to be doing something that I am passionate about, and even more importantly, I get to help others find a passion in health and fitness as well!

I officially started the 21 Day Fix today. So many people have had great results with it, and I cannot wait to see how this program re-teaches me healthy eating and gives me the ability to work out every day with awesome at home workouts that are provided! I know it will take a lot of dedication, but I am willing! I'll be tracking my progress on here, or at least trying to, in hopes that it will keep me more accountable and possibly even inspire others!

Intention: Move more and make healthier choices- totally winning this one!

One last note: I love this quote because it is exactly what we tend to forget and what often discourages us from choosing a healthier lifestyle. The health and fitness world is often focused so much on physical results, but is that a sustainable mindset? Too often that leads to even less happiness with ourselves; focusing on our flaws and just hoping that, through our strained efforts, our flaws will go away. Remember, we are loved and accepted as we are, and committing to being healthier is really all about the inner and outer strength and feeling better. Feeling more confident with how we look is just a side effect, a pretty great side effect, but not the reason! My goal is to make my reason for living a healthy lifestyle of deeper importance than outer appearance. 

Anyone wanting to set health and fitness goals for 2015 and find the best ways to actually follow through with them? I'd love to help you along your journey! 
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