Monday, September 8, 2014

Catching Up via Instagram

Currently, I have butternut squash and rosemary chicken cooking in the slow cooker. I am sitting, relaxing, with the windows open (thanks to cooler air) and I want to write about some things that have been going on in this mind of mine lately.These pictures will be my illustration, and although they are in the order of when they were taken, they are not in order of how I will be talking about them!

First Picture: Pumpkin coffee. I'm sorry I am talking about pumpkin-flavors again (not really), but this combination has been amazing, and it has been one thing helping me get through the days. A hot cup of coffee calms a multitude of worries, I think, especially when you get to sit down and truly enjoy it alone, or with another person you love very much. Lately, I've had some worries and some heartache, but I will talk about that in a few seconds. Either way, this coffee has been helping. I've also been loving making my own creamer. A tiny carton of coconut milk creamer at Whole Foods is pretty pricey, I can make way more on my own for way less!

Bottom two Pictures: The first is a batch of cookies that I enjoyed making last night; Oatmeal, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Breakfast Cookies. I call them breakfast cookies, because they are easily healthy enough to eat with your breakfast! 

Getting Serious about my health...
I am trying to really get back to making healthier choices. Over the next month I hope to make some big changes in my diet and my body. Of course, I know it will take longer than a month to see some real results, but this month it is my focus to change my bad habits. 

I haven't always had these unhealthy habits of indulging too often and skipping the gym too much. Since my senior year in college, I have really been serious about being balanced with my health and being active and working out at 4-6 times a week. It has changed me completely, and helped me grow to love being healthy and working out. I will probably talk a bit more about this in another post because I believe taking care of yourself is an important part of life, and I'd like to write about my journey a bit more. 

Before my wedding, I was more motivated than ever to work out and be healthy (many people probably feel/felt the same) I was at a very healthy weight, my body was toned (not to an extreme point, but more than it has ever been). I was really happy with myself, but it all changed really quickly. Lets just say I've gained around 10 pounds since then (a little over 3 months ago) and the gaining really happened within the first month. I don't even know how it happened, really, but I would say it is probably part thyroid issues, part indulging, and part inactivity. It's not a ridiculous amount, but I'm not comfortable like this. I want to loose that newlywed weight because I just feel better all around without it. Can anyone relate?

So that brings us to that other picture on the first lunch of my first day of this challenge. I randomly came up with this, and it is delicious and so easy. Just cut a bell pepper in half, add chicken salad (made with a small amount of light mayo) and combine on top of a piece of whole wheat toast. I also ate the rest of the chicken just in the other half of the pepper, 

My health is one of the main things I've been thinking about over the past few days, and I'll probably be documenting progress or just thoughts about health a bit more on here. I'm using Sarah Fit's book to guide my workouts and meal ideas. 

Top right Picture: Nick and I at the downtown mall this weekend. I love our weekends and the time we get to spend together. I am actually going to write another post with an actual story relating to this picture and some more thoughts on moving. I might post it later today or tomorrow. 

This weekend, also: 
-I started teaching an after school class! Feels so good to be in a classroom, even if it is just an after school reading and writing class!
-we watched the Steelers win at a cool restaurant where everyone comes wearing their team's jersey and sits for the entire game. Sundays are fun there since this this city seems to be a place where people come to live from all parts of the country. 
-we spent time just getting boring things done like laundry and grocery shopping (who am I kidding I love groceries), but our time spent together is cherished no matter how boring the task! We don't get a lot of time on the week days, so we cherish our weekends.

So there you are with a catch up on the last few days! What did you do this weekend?!

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